Glosa Informative - Glosa

Glosa Informative

“Glosa Informative” issue no. 2 Next, we bring you a selection of the most interesting news of this week.

The Russian vaccine, or the Sputnik of the 21st century

This past August 11, the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, shocked the world when he announced the registration of the first vaccine against COVID-19 in his country. The vaccine, called «Sputnik-V», will be applied to healthcare personnel and teachers initially, and it will be reaching other risk groups as of January 2021.

The news had a significant impact in a world eager to find a form of prevention against the pandemic that has already caused 21 million infections and a death toll close to one million. However, WHO authorities and other countries questioned the safety and reliability of the announced vaccine, asserting that it is just in the testing stage and that its rapid emergence would not have allowed enough time to verify its safety. Whatever the case may be, the name of the vaccine, «Sputnik-V», refers to the Soviet satellites launched in the middle of the arms race during the Cold War with the United States, so it is clear that both countries are in a competition to be the first to obtain a solution to the pandemic.

Meanwhile, in Argentina, President Alberto Fernandez announced that local production of a vaccine being researched in Oxford will begin shortly, allowing for doses to be administered in the country in early 2021.

Better off without you, Google…

An unprecedented ruling in Argentina surprised the world of telecommunications on August 11. The judges of room H of the National Civil Chamber ruled in favor of businesswoman Natalia Denegri and ordered Google to de-index all links to tabloid videos and images linking her to the Coppola case, in which the woman was a minor who was said to have taken part in the scandalous parties organized by the businessman during the 1990s.

The verdict is part of the so-called “right to be forgotten”, a legal figure that does not exist in the country. This right – which according to specialists should be called the «right to de-indexing» – aims at protecting the honor and privacy of people by allowing them to request the de-indexation of links affecting their public image, especially due to events that took place in the past.

Several specialists questioned the ruling, since it applies a legal figure that does not exist in the country and that ultimately protects people who are not public figures, which is not the case with Denegri. Experts also warned of the danger involved in investing any judge with the power to order the elimination of content related to the history and culture of a society.

The ruling came in the midst of a legal dispute between Argentine vice president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and Google, after the company linked Fernandez de Kirchner to corruption crimes during its «Knowledge Panel».

Towards a Wetlands Law

On Thursday, August 13, the Natural Resources Commission of the Argentine Chamber of Deputies held its second meeting in search of consensus to pass a bill on Wetlands. The initiative aims at protecting these natural areas that make up over 20% of the country, within the framework of a growing environmental awareness that warns of the ecological disaster that the world is currently undergoing.

This year, the burning of grasslands on the islands of the Parana Delta made headlines, with huge flares and plumes of smoke invading the cities of Rosario and Buenos Aires. Different environmental organizations warn that burning and clearing contribute to desertification and flooding, and alter the ecosystem, creating irreversible effect on the planet and the population living in those territories.

The Democratic Duo has been confirmed for US election

The presidential candidate for the Democratic party Joe Biden confirmed that his running mate will be California Senator Kamala Harris. In this way, Harris became the first black woman of Asian immigrant descent to run for the vice presidency.

The senator is the daughter of an Indian scientist and a Jamaican professor. In 2003, she was appointed district attorney in the city of San Francisco, and later became the first woman to be attorney general for the state of California, the most populous in the country. Her election as vice president candidate clears up the unknowns regarding Joe Biden’s candidacy, since due to his advanced age the party needed to appoint someone considered “presidential” and who could run for an eventual re-election in 2024. The more moderate sectors of the Democratic Party celebrated the nomination highlighting Harris’ record in the defense of minorities, while the most leftist sectors criticized her for not being emphatic enough in her proposal to dismantle the police after the murder of George Floyd, an event that triggered a wave of demonstrations throughout the country. Meanwhile, Donald Trump, a Republican president seeking reelection, called Harris a «phony» and «a mistake for the United States.» The election will take place on Tuesday, November 3rd.

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Gracias a Lucio Maciá por la nota, Araceli Sabransky por las publicaciones para historias de instagram, Samanta Libenson por la traducción y a Christian Trappani por la organización.

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